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UPC/Id, consumption card, graphic display
UPC/Id, consumption card, graphic display
16 posts
1. Do you plan to have a UPC/Id field? This number can be used to search the internet for wine information.
2. Do you plan to have a total bottles of wine and total value display? Would be nice to know my total investment.
3. What and where is the consumption card?
4. Overall think your program is great. It far exceeds any other I have tried. I especially like the graphical display.

Re : UPC/Id, consumption card, graphic display
AdministrateurVoir son blog
3099 posts

1) It's more difficult because I have to maintain backward compatibility with other versions.
I suggest to use the wine comments property.

2) Yes it's scheduled.

3) They allow you to "trace" the input/ output of your wines.
They are available in the wine detail, last icon at the bottom ($)

4) Thanks :-))


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