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Windows in OC
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16 posts
1. I placed the script you sent and that partially fixed the hidden header window problem. Emplacement window is hidden under the tab. Can this be fixed? Also, you can still lose the rack window under the tab bar.
2. I created an excel spreadsheet however I can no longer find the excel button in the OC program. I also noticed that some 0 values.
Here are the cellsBouteilles Cépage Total évaluation Total achat Emplacements
1 Cabernet Sauvignon 200 0 Rack 3 : 16
1 Rioja 17 0 Rack 3 : 10
1 Tempranillo 21 0 Rack 3 : 10
1 60 0 Rack 3 : 11
1 0 0 Rack 3 : 11
1 45 0 Rack 3 : 11
1 40 0 Rack 3 : 11
2 120 0 Rack 3 : 11
1 50 0 Rack 3 : 10
2 Bourdeaux Blend 240 0 Rack 1 : 7
2 Bourdeaux Blend 190 0 Rack 1 : 7
2 Cabernet Sauvignon 140 0 Rack 1 : 6
1 Cabernet Sauvignon 150 0 Rack 1 : 7
1 Cabernet Sauvignon 120 0 Rack 1 : 7
2 Cabernet Sauvignon 220 0 Rack 1 : 7
1 0 0 Rack 3 : 11
2 166 0 Rack 3 : 11
1 42 0 Rack 3 : 11
2 0 0 Rack 3 : 11

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