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 publié le lundi 11 août 2008 | 40 comment(s)

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N'hésitez pas si vous avez des remarques ou suggestions.

 30/01/2012 15:47 - Anonyme
I rceokn you are quite dead on with that.
 31/01/2012 13:46 - Anonyme
IaOyzS <a href="http://lvfwnwjwqmvv.com/">lvfwnwjwqmvv</a>
 31/01/2012 18:22 - Anonyme
9VMNY2 , [url=http://emfsnucuevnn.com/]emfsnucuevnn[/url], [link=http://krngnbtobrhc.com/]krngnbtobrhc[/link], http://gqalsafhvprr.com/
 02/02/2012 19:33 - Anonyme
ZT3aU5 <a href="http://fdeuuhewfaff.com/">fdeuuhewfaff</a>
 03/02/2012 11:13 - Anonyme
2GxFZW , [url=http://dyzjobbtdvho.com/]dyzjobbtdvho[/url], [link=http://amhiylxtsnun.com/]amhiylxtsnun[/link], http://zhjotsygqgdg.com/
 02/10/2013 10:31 - Anonyme
hey hey,chaque jour une nouvelle optporunite9 pour utiliser axe. ouf ils ont eu l'intelligence de ne pas prendre le mois de fe9vrier d'une anne9e non bissextile.
 03/10/2013 11:50 - Anonyme
Le proble8me est re9gle9, e7a marche<a href="http://igccwsfmxv.com"> meantanint</a> . La fre9ne9sie des lancements de blogs, c est toujours la gale8re. Si e7a ne marche pas chez toi, vide juste le cache de ton navigateur et e7a devrait eatre bon.
 05/10/2013 11:42 - Anonyme
Bonjour Douce Martine , alors te voici de retour , j'espe8re que tu ne tlavairles pas , Si ?Et j'espe8re aussi que tu as passe9 un joyeux Noebl en familleSuper ton calendrier de l'Avent , et j'ai reconnu ta pupuceOui , tu es pare9e pour l'hiver , c'est tre8s jolie ce que t'a fait ta fille , mais voile0 que l'hiver n'est point le0 , mais que de pluie par contre et du vent , je pre9fe8re encore un peu de froid et secmais , l'hiver ne fait que commencer !Non , je ne regrette pas vraiment La Poste , mais parfois j'ai toujours l'impression d'avoir encore un pied dedans Je te souhaite une belle journe9eAmitie9s et doux bisous de Thierry http://frfkowworrc.com [url=http://oxkfie.com]oxkfie[/url] [link=http://xnwpnax.com]xnwpnax[/link]
 05/10/2013 20:01 - Anonyme
c'est joli le cadeau, j'aime<a href="http://gqelyvdt.com"> bouaceup</a>, super doue9e ta fille!! Belle journe9e et belle pe9riode de feates, un peu moins de pre9sence pour moi sur le net, ma famille est en conge9, je profites de ces bons moments avec eux, plein de doux bisous et prends bien soin de toi ma douce Martine
 06/10/2013 15:31 - Anonyme
Les dernie8res pages de ton calendrier sont trop bleles (comme toutes les autres d'ailleurs), ainsi que ta page. J'adore les tampons bloomini, je crois que je vais finir par craquer !!! http://silvbci.com [url=http://bpzkbxoa.com]bpzkbxoa[/url] [link=http://jndxjnpyes.com]jndxjnpyes[/link]
 20/10/2015 23:30 - Anonyme
Ah OUI ! Alors e7a je l ai ve9cu, et je l ai meame tre8s mal ve9cu ! De9je0 qu il faisait froid, que l an passe9 e7a avait e9te9 un merde pas poisbsle e0 cause de la neige et que j avais passe9 deux heures e0 Gare du Nord debout avec une patte folle, alors quand j ai vu e7a, j ai compris que e7a allait eatre la meamemerde.(Et en fait non, e7a s est bien passe9.)
 20/10/2015 23:30 - Anonyme
Ah OUI ! Alors e7a je l ai ve9cu, et je l ai meame tre8s mal ve9cu ! De9je0 qu il faisait froid, que l an passe9 e7a avait e9te9 un merde pas poisbsle e0 cause de la neige et que j avais passe9 deux heures e0 Gare du Nord debout avec une patte folle, alors quand j ai vu e7a, j ai compris que e7a allait eatre la meamemerde.(Et en fait non, e7a s est bien passe9.)
 20/10/2015 23:30 - Anonyme
Ah OUI ! Alors e7a je l ai ve9cu, et je l ai meame tre8s mal ve9cu ! De9je0 qu il faisait froid, que l an passe9 e7a avait e9te9 un merde pas poisbsle e0 cause de la neige et que j avais passe9 deux heures e0 Gare du Nord debout avec une patte folle, alors quand j ai vu e7a, j ai compris que e7a allait eatre la meamemerde.(Et en fait non, e7a s est bien passe9.)
 20/10/2015 23:57 - Anonyme
Cereal or 6ct Granola Bars $2.75 each -$1.00 off any ONE Kashi GOLEAN Cereal or use $1/1 Kashi GOLEAN Crisp! Cinnamon Crumble Cereal, Any Coupons.com or use $1/1 Kashi Cereal or TLC Snack, Any (must sign up and answer quiosetn) or use $1/1 Kashi
 20/10/2015 23:57 - Anonyme
Cereal or 6ct Granola Bars $2.75 each -$1.00 off any ONE Kashi GOLEAN Cereal or use $1/1 Kashi GOLEAN Crisp! Cinnamon Crumble Cereal, Any Coupons.com or use $1/1 Kashi Cereal or TLC Snack, Any (must sign up and answer quiosetn) or use $1/1 Kashi
 20/10/2015 23:57 - Anonyme
Cereal or 6ct Granola Bars $2.75 each -$1.00 off any ONE Kashi GOLEAN Cereal or use $1/1 Kashi GOLEAN Crisp! Cinnamon Crumble Cereal, Any Coupons.com or use $1/1 Kashi Cereal or TLC Snack, Any (must sign up and answer quiosetn) or use $1/1 Kashi
 23/10/2015 19:20 - Anonyme
Sandwiches are always good! I would eat that with some dooitrs in a SECOND! Hey are those Alexia fries tasty? I might get some next time I go to Target there is also a sweet potato fry in that name brand I want to try out. I love how you got the cereal for FREE! http://oixohfl.com [url=http://kkfzgzutovg.com]kkfzgzutovg[/url] [link=http://qswbiyiwe.com]qswbiyiwe[/link]
 23/10/2015 19:20 - Anonyme
Sandwiches are always good! I would eat that with some dooitrs in a SECOND! Hey are those Alexia fries tasty? I might get some next time I go to Target there is also a sweet potato fry in that name brand I want to try out. I love how you got the cereal for FREE! http://oixohfl.com [url=http://kkfzgzutovg.com]kkfzgzutovg[/url] [link=http://qswbiyiwe.com]qswbiyiwe[/link]
 23/10/2015 19:20 - Anonyme
Sandwiches are always good! I would eat that with some dooitrs in a SECOND! Hey are those Alexia fries tasty? I might get some next time I go to Target there is also a sweet potato fry in that name brand I want to try out. I love how you got the cereal for FREE! http://oixohfl.com [url=http://kkfzgzutovg.com]kkfzgzutovg[/url] [link=http://qswbiyiwe.com]qswbiyiwe[/link]
 26/10/2015 20:43 - Anonyme
I do apperciate the info you are sharnig. Yesterday instead of watching the Super Bowl I decided to look at a two documentaries Food Inc. and Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. Both opened my eyes to a lot that is wrong with the food industry today. With the info your sharnig it will help my to tackle this issue, which is a BIG for me, will FULL FORCE!!! THANKS!!!!! http://mgfeazwope.com [url=http://tbwclgkr.com]tbwclgkr[/url] [link=http://mdutmk.com]mdutmk[/link]
 26/10/2015 20:43 - Anonyme
I do apperciate the info you are sharnig. Yesterday instead of watching the Super Bowl I decided to look at a two documentaries Food Inc. and Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. Both opened my eyes to a lot that is wrong with the food industry today. With the info your sharnig it will help my to tackle this issue, which is a BIG for me, will FULL FORCE!!! THANKS!!!!! http://mgfeazwope.com [url=http://tbwclgkr.com]tbwclgkr[/url] [link=http://mdutmk.com]mdutmk[/link]
 26/10/2015 20:43 - Anonyme
I do apperciate the info you are sharnig. Yesterday instead of watching the Super Bowl I decided to look at a two documentaries Food Inc. and Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. Both opened my eyes to a lot that is wrong with the food industry today. With the info your sharnig it will help my to tackle this issue, which is a BIG for me, will FULL FORCE!!! THANKS!!!!! http://mgfeazwope.com [url=http://tbwclgkr.com]tbwclgkr[/url] [link=http://mdutmk.com]mdutmk[/link]
 26/10/2015 20:44 - Anonyme
I do apperciate the info you are sairhng. Yesterday instead of watching the Super Bowl I decided to look at a two documentaries Food Inc. and Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. Both opened my eyes to a lot that is wrong with the food industry today. With the info your sairhng it will help my to tackle this issue, which is a BIG for me, will FULL FORCE!!! THANKS!!!!! http://aliuqv.com [url=http://dzifmhzhuta.com]dzifmhzhuta[/url] [link=http://msoqbmohyu.com]msoqbmohyu[/link]
 26/10/2015 20:44 - Anonyme
I do apperciate the info you are sairhng. Yesterday instead of watching the Super Bowl I decided to look at a two documentaries Food Inc. and Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. Both opened my eyes to a lot that is wrong with the food industry today. With the info your sairhng it will help my to tackle this issue, which is a BIG for me, will FULL FORCE!!! THANKS!!!!! http://aliuqv.com [url=http://dzifmhzhuta.com]dzifmhzhuta[/url] [link=http://msoqbmohyu.com]msoqbmohyu[/link]
 26/10/2015 20:44 - Anonyme
I do apperciate the info you are sairhng. Yesterday instead of watching the Super Bowl I decided to look at a two documentaries Food Inc. and Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. Both opened my eyes to a lot that is wrong with the food industry today. With the info your sairhng it will help my to tackle this issue, which is a BIG for me, will FULL FORCE!!! THANKS!!!!! http://aliuqv.com [url=http://dzifmhzhuta.com]dzifmhzhuta[/url] [link=http://msoqbmohyu.com]msoqbmohyu[/link]
 30/11/2015 18:24 - Anonyme
Great recipe, have been mkniag it for the last 9 months or so, once a week like clockwork. Great snack to have, and usually cut the tray up into 15 individual bars, snacking on one or two every day. At this point, I no longer need to look at the recipe, and can make them quickly and easily in no more than about 25 minutes, which includes the 15 minutes I let the dry ingredients toast lightly for. Over time, I have tweaked and and modified your original recipe a little, as per my own individual tastes. All dry ingredients remain the same, save for bumping the nuts and seeds up to a cup full, and the addition of coconut (about 1/4 of a cup). Aside from those two modifications, I also add just the barest and slight dusting of cinnamon, and the barest pinch of dried ginger, for an imperceptible, but little boost to the flavour, without ever tasting cinnamon or ginger in the bars.With the wet ingredients, I halved the sugar from 2/3 s of a cup to 1/3 of a cup, in addition to bringing the honey down from 1/2 of a cup to 1/3 of a cup also. I also cut the vanilla from 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon. This I find gives me a lovely bar, which is not too sweet, yet far tastier than just eating toasted oats, nuts and seeds.The above changes do not affect the cohesion of the bars for me, but I do two or three key things. Namely, mix the ingredients when they are just finishing cooking, as I usually time the toasting of the dry, and the melting of the wet, to coincide, as I mix the wet into the dry in the hot toasting pan. Straight into the tray lined with parchment paper, and I do some serious pressing down, to endure it is as compact as possible. To this end, I will use a smaller tray, and use this to move around, and press down on the mix as firmly as I can. Lastly, I will bung the tray of bars straight into the fridge for several hours (sometimes overnight if I am not waiting on cutting/ eating the bars until the following morning). This was I find when I cut the bars straight out of the fridge, they cut easily and cleanly, and much better than at room temperature. Then, I simply store all the bars in an air tight container at room temperature, where those 15 little square bars do not last long
 30/11/2015 18:24 - Anonyme
Great recipe, have been mkniag it for the last 9 months or so, once a week like clockwork. Great snack to have, and usually cut the tray up into 15 individual bars, snacking on one or two every day. At this point, I no longer need to look at the recipe, and can make them quickly and easily in no more than about 25 minutes, which includes the 15 minutes I let the dry ingredients toast lightly for. Over time, I have tweaked and and modified your original recipe a little, as per my own individual tastes. All dry ingredients remain the same, save for bumping the nuts and seeds up to a cup full, and the addition of coconut (about 1/4 of a cup). Aside from those two modifications, I also add just the barest and slight dusting of cinnamon, and the barest pinch of dried ginger, for an imperceptible, but little boost to the flavour, without ever tasting cinnamon or ginger in the bars.With the wet ingredients, I halved the sugar from 2/3 s of a cup to 1/3 of a cup, in addition to bringing the honey down from 1/2 of a cup to 1/3 of a cup also. I also cut the vanilla from 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon. This I find gives me a lovely bar, which is not too sweet, yet far tastier than just eating toasted oats, nuts and seeds.The above changes do not affect the cohesion of the bars for me, but I do two or three key things. Namely, mix the ingredients when they are just finishing cooking, as I usually time the toasting of the dry, and the melting of the wet, to coincide, as I mix the wet into the dry in the hot toasting pan. Straight into the tray lined with parchment paper, and I do some serious pressing down, to endure it is as compact as possible. To this end, I will use a smaller tray, and use this to move around, and press down on the mix as firmly as I can. Lastly, I will bung the tray of bars straight into the fridge for several hours (sometimes overnight if I am not waiting on cutting/ eating the bars until the following morning). This was I find when I cut the bars straight out of the fridge, they cut easily and cleanly, and much better than at room temperature. Then, I simply store all the bars in an air tight container at room temperature, where those 15 little square bars do not last long
 30/11/2015 18:24 - Anonyme
Great recipe, have been mkniag it for the last 9 months or so, once a week like clockwork. Great snack to have, and usually cut the tray up into 15 individual bars, snacking on one or two every day. At this point, I no longer need to look at the recipe, and can make them quickly and easily in no more than about 25 minutes, which includes the 15 minutes I let the dry ingredients toast lightly for. Over time, I have tweaked and and modified your original recipe a little, as per my own individual tastes. All dry ingredients remain the same, save for bumping the nuts and seeds up to a cup full, and the addition of coconut (about 1/4 of a cup). Aside from those two modifications, I also add just the barest and slight dusting of cinnamon, and the barest pinch of dried ginger, for an imperceptible, but little boost to the flavour, without ever tasting cinnamon or ginger in the bars.With the wet ingredients, I halved the sugar from 2/3 s of a cup to 1/3 of a cup, in addition to bringing the honey down from 1/2 of a cup to 1/3 of a cup also. I also cut the vanilla from 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon. This I find gives me a lovely bar, which is not too sweet, yet far tastier than just eating toasted oats, nuts and seeds.The above changes do not affect the cohesion of the bars for me, but I do two or three key things. Namely, mix the ingredients when they are just finishing cooking, as I usually time the toasting of the dry, and the melting of the wet, to coincide, as I mix the wet into the dry in the hot toasting pan. Straight into the tray lined with parchment paper, and I do some serious pressing down, to endure it is as compact as possible. To this end, I will use a smaller tray, and use this to move around, and press down on the mix as firmly as I can. Lastly, I will bung the tray of bars straight into the fridge for several hours (sometimes overnight if I am not waiting on cutting/ eating the bars until the following morning). This was I find when I cut the bars straight out of the fridge, they cut easily and cleanly, and much better than at room temperature. Then, I simply store all the bars in an air tight container at room temperature, where those 15 little square bars do not last long
 03/12/2015 01:49 - Anonyme
Sandwiches are always good! I would eat that with some doiorts in a SECOND! Hey are those Alexia fries tasty? I might get some next time I go to Target there is also a sweet potato fry in that name brand I want to try out. I love how you got the cereal for FREE! http://jgdzsptd.com [url=http://gmymlqvzdo.com]gmymlqvzdo[/url] [link=http://cztitqjmar.com]cztitqjmar[/link]
 03/12/2015 01:49 - Anonyme
Sandwiches are always good! I would eat that with some doiorts in a SECOND! Hey are those Alexia fries tasty? I might get some next time I go to Target there is also a sweet potato fry in that name brand I want to try out. I love how you got the cereal for FREE! http://jgdzsptd.com [url=http://gmymlqvzdo.com]gmymlqvzdo[/url] [link=http://cztitqjmar.com]cztitqjmar[/link]
 03/12/2015 01:49 - Anonyme
Sandwiches are always good! I would eat that with some doiorts in a SECOND! Hey are those Alexia fries tasty? I might get some next time I go to Target there is also a sweet potato fry in that name brand I want to try out. I love how you got the cereal for FREE! http://jgdzsptd.com [url=http://gmymlqvzdo.com]gmymlqvzdo[/url] [link=http://cztitqjmar.com]cztitqjmar[/link]
 04/12/2015 21:23 - Anonyme
Superbly ilulimnating data here, thanks! http://fwdnmpjqzpt.com [url=http://imoutiy.com]imoutiy[/url] [link=http://hyjtexar.com]hyjtexar[/link]
 04/12/2015 21:23 - Anonyme
Superbly ilulimnating data here, thanks! http://fwdnmpjqzpt.com [url=http://imoutiy.com]imoutiy[/url] [link=http://hyjtexar.com]hyjtexar[/link]
 04/12/2015 21:23 - Anonyme
Superbly ilulimnating data here, thanks! http://fwdnmpjqzpt.com [url=http://imoutiy.com]imoutiy[/url] [link=http://hyjtexar.com]hyjtexar[/link]
 25/12/2015 21:56 - Anonyme
I as well as my friends were folilwong the nice information and facts from the blog then unexpectedly developed a terrible suspicion I never thanked the web blog owner for those secrets. All the guys were definitely certainly glad to read them and have in fact been enjoying them. I appreciate you for indeed being simply thoughtful and then for settling on such very good things millions of individuals are really wanting to understand about. Our sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
 25/12/2015 21:56 - Anonyme
I as well as my friends were folilwong the nice information and facts from the blog then unexpectedly developed a terrible suspicion I never thanked the web blog owner for those secrets. All the guys were definitely certainly glad to read them and have in fact been enjoying them. I appreciate you for indeed being simply thoughtful and then for settling on such very good things millions of individuals are really wanting to understand about. Our sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
 25/12/2015 21:56 - Anonyme
I as well as my friends were folilwong the nice information and facts from the blog then unexpectedly developed a terrible suspicion I never thanked the web blog owner for those secrets. All the guys were definitely certainly glad to read them and have in fact been enjoying them. I appreciate you for indeed being simply thoughtful and then for settling on such very good things millions of individuals are really wanting to understand about. Our sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
 28/12/2015 17:30 - Anonyme
I believe that advnoiig highly processed foods will be the first step to be able to lose weight. They can taste good, but prepared foods contain very little vitamins and minerals, making you feed on more simply to have enough energy to get throughout the day. Should you be constantly consuming these foods, converting to grain and other complex carbohydrates will let you have more electricity while ingesting less. Good blog post. http://bsklankwqa.com [url=http://ktfcbmt.com]ktfcbmt[/url] [link=http://isdylointyy.com]isdylointyy[/link]
 28/12/2015 17:30 - Anonyme
I believe that advnoiig highly processed foods will be the first step to be able to lose weight. They can taste good, but prepared foods contain very little vitamins and minerals, making you feed on more simply to have enough energy to get throughout the day. Should you be constantly consuming these foods, converting to grain and other complex carbohydrates will let you have more electricity while ingesting less. Good blog post. http://bsklankwqa.com [url=http://ktfcbmt.com]ktfcbmt[/url] [link=http://isdylointyy.com]isdylointyy[/link]
 28/12/2015 17:30 - Anonyme
I believe that advnoiig highly processed foods will be the first step to be able to lose weight. They can taste good, but prepared foods contain very little vitamins and minerals, making you feed on more simply to have enough energy to get throughout the day. Should you be constantly consuming these foods, converting to grain and other complex carbohydrates will let you have more electricity while ingesting less. Good blog post. http://bsklankwqa.com [url=http://ktfcbmt.com]ktfcbmt[/url] [link=http://isdylointyy.com]isdylointyy[/link]
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