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 publié le mardi 10 mars 2009 | 19 comment(s)




 10/03/2009 20:24 - frac
Terrible !!!

Pas d'autres mots (mis à part "Impatience" ;-) )...

Bonne continuation !
 14/03/2009 09:12 - Seb7
Superbe le graphisme, mais a quand la sortie?
 18/03/2009 10:52 - Administrateur
Sortie prévue fin de semaine prochaine ;-)
 20/03/2009 11:28 - Voss
Superbe nouvelle!! après la version mobile, on va être heureux avec cette version iphone.
On attend donc cette sortie avec impatience. Fais nous vite signe quand c'est fait...
 26/04/2009 09:24 - Anonyme
Ayé ca vient tout juste de tomber OC est disponible sur l'app Store :-) , voici le lien direct : http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=311981238&mt=8
ou sinon allez à la page 8 de Style de vie.

 25/06/2009 16:44 - Anonyme

j'ai acheté l'appli elle est vraiment pas mal bravo
petite question : ou est ce qu'on gère le nombre de bouteilles ?
Quand je suis dans la fiche du vin je ne vois pas la possibilité d'ajouter des quantité ?

merci d'avance et encore bravo !
 25/06/2009 16:47 - Anonyme
Bonjour et merci :-)

Pour gérer le nombre de bouteilles, vous devez les placer visuellement.
Pour ce faire ouvrez la fiche vin et clique en bas sur l'icone en forme de bouteilles, vous pourrez ensuite selectionner un emplacement de stockage puis placer vos bouteilles.

 02/02/2012 08:50 - Anonyme
pasco lncail dit :bonjour ,il semblerait que nous ayons affaire à un peintre avec qui il va falloir compter dans l’avenir : la palette , bien qu’en apparence réduite , concourre à créer des effets de tension repris également par les effets de matière dûs à une peinture très épaisse . La torsion des formes humaines , évoquant quelques noirs desseins frappant une humanité semblant réduite à l’état spectral et concentrationnaire , ajoute au malaise que le spectateur peut ressentir . bravo ! cette prise de risque est salutaire .Zon
 03/02/2012 00:46 - Anonyme
Bonjour, ton secern de kamas des glace, il est pas trafiqué? car toute les quêtes de l’extension 1 valent 89 kamas de glace et de l’extension 2 valent 71 kamas des glaces.
 03/02/2012 12:07 - Anonyme
DbiN5y <a href="http://kwxxtcdzlpnw.com/">kwxxtcdzlpnw</a>
 03/02/2012 16:38 - Anonyme
TvTrmz , [url=http://umfnbqmdaiju.com/]umfnbqmdaiju[/url], [link=http://hdsdqgqizrbh.com/]hdsdqgqizrbh[/link], http://wrqthgzucdau.com/
 06/02/2012 09:45 - Anonyme
Ua0edG <a href="http://ymkklomeyaok.com/">ymkklomeyaok</a>
 06/02/2012 14:43 - Anonyme
lDL2Am , [url=http://moynjvzvjbyq.com/]moynjvzvjbyq[/url], [link=http://cemjbyirasdu.com/]cemjbyirasdu[/link], http://jbcgaeoklnyk.com/
 30/11/2015 20:24 - Anonyme
7 of 8 people found the fiwlolong review helpful Diaper Changes great for first-timers to cloth, February 21, 1999 By A Customer This review is from: Diapering Changes has much information on what's available to parents today. In the past there were only a few options for parents, mostly pin-on diapers that required a lot of folding. Diapering Changes helps the new parent choose what type of diaper is best for them, and offers an extensive listing of companies that sell cloth diaper supplies, very important since high-quality diapers are usually not available in stores. One note is that the author's descriptions of home washing are much more difficult to follow than the method most mothers use. Additionally, the author recommends cleaning methods for the non-circumcised boy which conflict with the official position paper of the American Academy of Pediatricians.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 | a0
 30/11/2015 20:24 - Anonyme
7 of 8 people found the fiwlolong review helpful Diaper Changes great for first-timers to cloth, February 21, 1999 By A Customer This review is from: Diapering Changes has much information on what's available to parents today. In the past there were only a few options for parents, mostly pin-on diapers that required a lot of folding. Diapering Changes helps the new parent choose what type of diaper is best for them, and offers an extensive listing of companies that sell cloth diaper supplies, very important since high-quality diapers are usually not available in stores. One note is that the author's descriptions of home washing are much more difficult to follow than the method most mothers use. Additionally, the author recommends cleaning methods for the non-circumcised boy which conflict with the official position paper of the American Academy of Pediatricians.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 | a0
 30/11/2015 20:24 - Anonyme
7 of 8 people found the fiwlolong review helpful Diaper Changes great for first-timers to cloth, February 21, 1999 By A Customer This review is from: Diapering Changes has much information on what's available to parents today. In the past there were only a few options for parents, mostly pin-on diapers that required a lot of folding. Diapering Changes helps the new parent choose what type of diaper is best for them, and offers an extensive listing of companies that sell cloth diaper supplies, very important since high-quality diapers are usually not available in stores. One note is that the author's descriptions of home washing are much more difficult to follow than the method most mothers use. Additionally, the author recommends cleaning methods for the non-circumcised boy which conflict with the official position paper of the American Academy of Pediatricians.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 | a0
 03/12/2015 01:51 - Anonyme
I want to win this for my friend who is due in October. She still has lots of time to get ready which is good, she doesn't have much yet :)breej23 at hiotaml dot com http://zguanct.com [url=http://uxkocrffsgu.com]uxkocrffsgu[/url] [link=http://wosguu.com]wosguu[/link]
 03/12/2015 01:51 - Anonyme
I want to win this for my friend who is due in October. She still has lots of time to get ready which is good, she doesn't have much yet :)breej23 at hiotaml dot com http://zguanct.com [url=http://uxkocrffsgu.com]uxkocrffsgu[/url] [link=http://wosguu.com]wosguu[/link]
 03/12/2015 01:51 - Anonyme
I want to win this for my friend who is due in October. She still has lots of time to get ready which is good, she doesn't have much yet :)breej23 at hiotaml dot com http://zguanct.com [url=http://uxkocrffsgu.com]uxkocrffsgu[/url] [link=http://wosguu.com]wosguu[/link]
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