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Open Cellar Home Edition - 1.2 - Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and Vista. The free Windows wine cellar management software. Open Cellar Mobile Edition - Beta 2 (French version) - Pocket PC. The free Pocket PC wine cellar management software. Open Cellar Cross Platform - Beta 1 (French version) - Mac OSX and Linux. The free MacOS/Linux wine cellar management software. My Open Cellar Open Cellar Forums Place des vins
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Rapport livre des emplacements
23 posts
Lorsque je tente de generer le livre des emplacements (avec ou sans selections) une erreure se produit. voici le debug.log
OC 1.2 XP SP3
bonne journée

# Open Cellar Home Edition 0.6.1
# System Win32NT (5.1.2600.0)
24/03/2009 11:44:51 -> Erreur :: Pile
24/03/2009 11:44:51 -> System.ArgumentNullException: La valeur ne peut pas être null.
Nom du paramètre : font
at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString(String s, Font font, Brush brush, RectangleF layoutRectangle, StringFormat format)
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.OnNewPage()
at OpenCellar.Application.BaseReport.NewPage()
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.CreatePage()
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.RenderRack(Rack rack)
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.RenderReport()
at OpenCellar.Application.BaseReport.Create(IList datasource, String destFileName)
at OpenCellar.Application.RKReportCenter.ExecuteAllRacksEx(Object sender, EventArgs e)
24/03/2009 11:45:00 -> Erreur :: Pile
24/03/2009 11:45:00 -> System.ArgumentNullException: La valeur ne peut pas être null.
Nom du paramètre : font
at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString(String s, Font font, Brush brush, RectangleF layoutRectangle, StringFormat format)
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.OnNewPage()
at OpenCellar.Application.BaseReport.NewPage()
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.CreatePage()
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.RenderRack(Rack rack)
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.RenderReport()
at OpenCellar.Application.BaseReport.Create(IList datasource, String destFileName)
at OpenCellar.Application.RKReportCenter.ExecuteAllRacks(Object sender, EventArgs e)
24/03/2009 11:47:58 -> Erreur :: Pile
24/03/2009 11:47:58 -> System.ArgumentNullException: La valeur ne peut pas être null.
Nom du paramètre : font
at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString(String s, Font font, Brush brush, RectangleF layoutRectangle, StringFormat format)
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.OnNewPage()
at OpenCellar.Application.BaseReport.NewPage()
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.CreatePage()
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.RenderRack(Rack rack)
at OpenCellar.Application.Report.RackReport.RenderReport()
at OpenCellar.Application.BaseReport.Create(IList datasource, String destFileName)
at OpenCellar.Application.RKReportCenter.ExecuteAllRacksEx(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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Téléchargez ceci /downloads/ puis remplacez les dll d'OC (c:\program files\matthieu ducrocq\open cellar ou c:\program files\open cellar)


Re : Rapport livre des emplacements
23 posts
Merci cela fonctionne
Ca venait de moi ?

bonne soirée

Re : Rapport livre des emplacements
AdministrateurView your blog
3099 posts
Parfait !
La raison est expliquée ici :


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