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Synchro Mac / iPhone >> bouteilles pas placées
Synchro Mac / iPhone >> bouteilles pas placées
6 posts
je suis sur Mac depuis peu et je viens d'acquérir et j'ai installé la version cross platform. Je viens aussi d'acheterla version d'OC sur iPhone.
Lors de la synchro, les bouteilles ne sont plus placées sur mon iPhone alors qu'elle le sont tjrs sur Mac.
J'ai fait plusieurs tests mais sans succès : seuls les vins sont importés mais ne sont pas placés (les emplacements ne sont pas importés et donc la vue "mode graphique" sur iPhone ne donne rien).
Merci de m'aider, car je souhaiterait saisir ma cave de rouges mais je désespère un peu ...
Je joins le log de l'outil de synchro
getHostAddress() :
Serveur démarré (1.1), en attente de connexion....
onDebug() -> Server->start()
onDebug() -> Server->accept(), rbuffer = 8096, sbuffer = 16192
onDebug() -> Server->processClient()
Connecté à iPhone de Fred DEHARRE
onDebug() -> Server->receiveCellar(), size = 761856
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->openDb("tempDb.db")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->openCellar()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->backup("/Users/Frederic/Documents/Vins/Cave Fred.oc.backup")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToPC()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToBaseItems("category")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToBaseItems("classification")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToBaseItems("bottletype")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToBaseItems("cepage")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToContacts("owner")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToContacts("provider")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->loadDeviceId()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->loadLists()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToWine()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToRack()
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToImage()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToPurchaseSales()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deviceToNote()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deleteData()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("category")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("bottletype")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("note")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("wine")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("classification")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("inout")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("owner")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("provider")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("rack")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("rackitems")
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("wine")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("image")
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("sync")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processImport()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("category")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("classification")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("bottletype")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("cepage")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processContact("owner")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processContact("provider")
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processWines()
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processRacks()
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: database disk image is malformed
onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processImages()
Envoi de la cave en cours...
Envoi de la cave terminée !
Toutes les tâches terminées avec succés (13.673 secondes)
Re : Synchro Mac / iPhone >> bouteilles pas placées
6 posts
j'ai pu trouver la solution tout seul grâce à un post sur votre forum :
j'ai donc fait un reset de ma cave sur mon iPhone et réimporté le tout.
Et ça marche
© 2006-2014
Matthieu DUCROCQ
- All rights reserved - Last update: january 2014 |
Support Open Cellar