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Synchro iPhone 99%
Synchro iPhone 99%
21 posts
J'ai règulièrement un problème avec la synchro PC-Win <--> iPhone...
La synchro déamrre bien et affiche:
getHostAddress() : Serveur démarré (1.1), en attente de connexion.... onDebug() -> Server->start() onDebug() -> Server->accept(), rbuffer = 8096, sbuffer = 16192 onDebug() -> Server->processClient() Connecté à Iphone onDebug() -> Server->receiveCellar(), size = 3410944
Labarre de défilement avance (pas très vite...) jusqu'à 99% ... puis se bloque! et... plus rien!
Si j'annule à partir de l'iPhone... là c'est la guerre dans le log! :
getHostAddress() : Serveur démarré (1.1), en attente de connexion.... onDebug() -> Server->start() onDebug() -> Server->accept(), rbuffer = 8096, sbuffer = 16192 onDebug() -> Server->processClient() Connecté à IphoneJLC onDebug() -> Server->receiveCellar(), size = 3410944 onSyncStart() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->openDb("tempDb.db") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->openCellar() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->backup("C:\Documents and Settings\jaic6404\My Documents\Mes fichiers Perso\Caves.oc.backup") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->loadLists() onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deleteData() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("category") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("bottletype") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("note") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("wine") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("classification") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("inout") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("owner") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("provider") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("rack") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("rackitems") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("wine") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("image") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("sync") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processImport() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("category") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("classification") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 20 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("bottletype") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 20 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("cepage") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 105 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processContact("owner") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 60 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processContact("provider") onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 45 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processWines() onDebug() -> -> createCountry(France)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Champagne)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Champagne)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Bordeaux)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Sauternes)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Bourgogne)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Vosne-romanée)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Bourgogne grand ordinaire)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Bourgogne)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Alsace)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Alsace (gewurztraminer))... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Alsace (riesling))... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Morey saint-denis)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createCountry(Portugal)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Douro)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Porto)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Monthélie)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Santenay)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Chassagne-montrachet)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Volnay)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Sud-Ouest)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Cahors)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Echézeaux)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Médoc)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Fixin)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Auxey-duresses)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Chablis)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Beaune)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Ladoix)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Chorey-lès-beaune)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createCountry(Mexique)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Valle de Guadalupe (B.C.))... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Monte Xanic)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Graves)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Savigny-lès-beaune)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Saint-estèphe)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Haut-médoc)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Margaux)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Saint-émilion)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Aloxe-corton)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Vougeot)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Chambolle-musigny)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Clos des lambrays)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Pernand-vergelesses)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Mercurey)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Gevrey-chambertin)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Nuits-Saint-Georges)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 18 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> -> createApp(Montagne-saint-émilion)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 22 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> -> createApp(Meursault)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Passetoutgrains)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Bordeaux clairet)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Tourraine)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Chinon)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Touraine)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Corton charlemagne)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Chablis grand cru)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Pessac-léognan)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Corton)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Saint-julien)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Bordeaux supérieur)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Premières côtes de blaye)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database 25 fois la ligne ci dessus onDebug() -> -> createCountry(Etats-Unis)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createArea(Napa)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> -> createApp(Sangiovese)... onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processRacks() onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database
1120 fois la ligne ci dessus
onError() -> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processImages() onSyncEnd() Envoi de la cave en cours... onError() -> Software caused connection abort: socket write error Envoi de la cave terminée ! Toutes les tâches terminées avec succés (433.25 secondes)
Je n'ai pas idée du pourquoi! Cela se produit de temps en temps, pas à tous les coups. j'ai pensé que cela pouvait provenir des Illustrations, mais je n'ai pas réussi à les enlever
Cependant des fois cela passe bien!
Help :'-(
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
21 posts
Bon après plusieurs tentatives ça a fini par fonctionner... jusqu'à la prochaine!
Voici le log:
getHostAddress() : Serveur démarré (1.1), en attente de connexion.... onDebug() -> Server->start() onDebug() -> Server->accept(), rbuffer = 8096, sbuffer = 16192 onDebug() -> Server->processClient() Connecté à IphoneJLC onDebug() -> Server->receiveCellar(), size = 3410944 onSyncStart() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->openDb("tempDb.db") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->openCellar() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->backup("C:\Documents and Settings\jaic6404\My Documents\Mes fichiers Perso\Caves.oc.backup") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->loadLists() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->deleteData() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("category") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("bottletype") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("note") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("wine") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("classification") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("inout") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("owner") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("provider") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("rack") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("rackitems") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("wine") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("image") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->executeQuery("sync") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processImport() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("category") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("classification") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("bottletype") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processBaseItems("cepage") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processContact("owner") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processContact("provider") onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processWines() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processRacks() onDebug() -> SyncEngine->processImages() onSyncEnd() Envoi de la cave en cours... Envoi de la cave terminée ! Toutes les tâches terminées avec succés (59.36 secondes)
Merci pour toute aide!
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
3099 posts
La ca devient plus difficile car c'est en partie du aux matériels avez vous le maximum de batons sur votre iPhone ? Tentez de faire une synchro en le laissant prés de la borne.
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
2 posts
similar problems here. The first time iphone and PC sync up to a certain percentage and than hanged. Since then I am not able to establish a connection between the PC and the iPhone. I rebooted both and connections via WifI do work with other apps
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
3099 posts
@Havelse: est ce que votre connexion Wifi sur iPhone est au maximum ?
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
21 posts
Bonjour Matthieu...
Désolé pour le retard... mais je n'ai pas pu me connecter depuis pas mal de jours.
En ce qui ceoncerne la réponse de la portée du WiFi, oui elles est au max (force du signal excellent sur win & maximum sur l'iPhone)
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
21 posts
En fait il me semble avoir trouvé qlqchose:
Si les modifications de la cave ne sont faites que du coté PC, le transfert semble se faire iPhone --> PC correctement. Les fois où j'ai eu des soucis cela a toujours (??? du moins il me semble) été suite à une modif du contenu de la cave sur l'iPhone!
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
Vincent KOENIG
8 posts
Même phénomène mais bloqué à 85%.
-> Annulation de la synchronisation
-> Redémarrage du PC
-> Relance de la procédure et là : RAS !
A suivre...
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
21 posts
Bon cela devient difficile... J'ai 1 synchro qui se termine correctement sur 10
Je suis prêt à faire des essais quitte à exporter ma cave, en créer une nouvelle & tout réimporter. Y-at'il une procédure à suivre pour faire ça?
Toute aide serait appréciée car en l'espèce OC sur iPhone ne me sert plus!
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
3099 posts
Pourriez vous tester avec cette version :
Re : Synchro iPhone 99%
21 posts
Salut Matthieu...
Nickel, ça a marché du 1° coup!...
Par contre si je puis proposer une évolution de synchro... plutôt qu'en 3G je préfèrerais par USB!...
Merci encore!!!...
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Matthieu DUCROCQ
- All rights reserved - Last update: january 2014 |
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