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Livre de cave compacté (variante 2)
Le script suivant imprime le livre de cave compacté tout en effectuant de sous totaux et des regroupement par région
Pour l'éxécuter allez dans le menu "Préférences" -> "Editeurs de scripts"

// Auteur : dan768
// Date : Septembre 2007
if(App.ActiveCellar == null) 
App.Animate(AnimationType.Work, true);

// Modifiez ici le titre du report
string reportName = "Liste des vins - par région";

// Creation entete report
ReportTable rt = new ReportTable(reportName);

// Région
ReportColumn rcArea = rt.NewColumn("Région");
rcArea.Size = 110;

// Année
ReportColumn rcYear = rt.NewColumn("Année");
rcYear.Size = 40;
rcYear.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcYear.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Nom
ReportColumn rcName = rt.NewColumn("Nom");
rcName.Size = 225;

// Appellation
ReportColumn rcApp = rt.NewColumn("Appellation");
rcApp.Size = 140;

// Couleur
ReportColumn rcColor = rt.NewColumn("Couleur");
rcColor.Size = 60;

// Format
ReportColumn rcFormat = rt.NewColumn("Format");
rcFormat.Size = 70;

// Prix
//ReportColumn rcPrice = rt.NewColumn("Prix");
//rcPrice.Size = 50;
//rcPrice.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
//rcPrice.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Bouteilles
ReportColumn rcBottles = rt.NewColumn("Btles");
rcBottles.Size = 40;
rcBottles.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcBottles.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Prix
ReportColumn rcPrice = rt.NewColumn("Prix");
rcPrice.Size = 50;
rcPrice.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcPrice.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Total
ReportColumn rcAmount = rt.NewColumn("Total");
rcAmount.Size = 60;
rcAmount.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcAmount.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Colonne tri :: workaround
/*ReportColumn rcSort = rt.NewColumn("_");
rcSort.Size = 1;*/

// Alimentation de la source
ObjectCollection wines = App.ActiveCellar.GetCollection((ushort)ObjectType.Wine);

for (int i = 0; i < wines.Count; i++)
Wine wine = (Wine)wines[i];

ReportRow row = rt.NewRow();

row[0] = wine.Area.Name;
if(wine.Year != 0)
row[1] = wine.Year.ToString();
row[2] = wine.Name;
row[3] = wine.Appellation.Name;
row[4] = "Champ";

if(wine.WineColor == ColorType.Red)
row[4] = "Rouge"; 
else if(wine.WineColor == ColorType.White)
row[4] = "Blanc"; 
else if(wine.WineColor == ColorType.Rosy)
row[4] = "Rosé"; 
else if(wine.WineColor == ColorType.Yellow)
row[4] = "Champ"; 
else if(wine.WineColor == ColorType.LiqueurLike)
row[4] = "Liquoreux"; 
else if(wine.WineColor == ColorType.Misc)
row[4] = "Autre"; 

row[5] = wine.BottleType.Name; 

row[7] = wine.BuyPrice.ToString("f"); 

// Gestion manuelle
row[6] = wine.Bottles.ToString();
row[8] = (wine.Bottles * wine.BuyPrice).ToString("f");
row[6] = wine.RackItems.Count.ToString();
row[8] = (wine.RackItems.Count * wine.BuyPrice).ToString("f");

// row[9] = wine.Area.Name;


// Tri des elements, par region, vin puis année

string lastArea = null;

for (int i = 0; i < rt.Rows.Count; i++)
ReportRow row = rt.Rows[i];
if(row[0] != lastArea)
lastArea = row[0];
row[0] = string.Empty;

// Second rapport

// Creation entete report
ReportTable rtEx = new ReportTable(reportName);

rcArea = rtEx.NewColumn("Région");
rcArea.Size = 110;

// Année
rcYear = rtEx.NewColumn("Année");
rcYear.Size = 40;
rcYear.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcYear.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Nom
rcName = rtEx.NewColumn("Nom");
rcName.Size = 225;

// Appellation
rcApp = rtEx.NewColumn("Appellation");
rcApp.Size = 140;

// Couleur
rcColor = rtEx.NewColumn("Couleur");
rcColor.Size = 60;

// Format
rcFormat = rtEx.NewColumn("Format");
rcFormat.Size = 70;

// Prix
rcPrice = rtEx.NewColumn("Btles");
rcPrice.Size = 40;
rcPrice.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcPrice.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Bouteilles
rcBottles = rtEx.NewColumn("Prix");
rcBottles.Size = 50;
rcBottles.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcBottles.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

// Total
rcAmount = rtEx.NewColumn("Total");
rcAmount.Size = 60;
rcAmount.ContentAlignment = ReportContentAlignment.Right;
rcAmount.DataType = ReportColumnType.Numeric;

float amount = 0;
float bottles = 0;

float tmpAmount = 0;
float tmpBottles = 0;

// :: OK
string lastArea = null;

for (int i = 0; i < rt.Rows.Count; i++)
ReportRow row = rt.Rows[i];

if(row[0] != lastArea)
if(lastArea != null)
// Cumul
ReportRow amountRow = rtEx.NewRow();
amountRow[2] ="Sous total "+lastArea+ " ----->";
amountRow[3] = "";
amountRow[5] = "Btles";
amountRow[6] = tmpBottles.ToString();
amountRow[7] = "Montant";
amountRow[8] = tmpAmount.ToString("f");

ReportRow areaRow = rtEx.NewRow();
areaRow[0] = row[0];
lastArea = row[0];
tmpBottles = 0;
tmpAmount = 0; 

ReportRow row2 = rtEx.NewRow();
row2[1] = row[1];
row2[2] = row[2];
row2[3] = row[3];
row2[4] = row[4];
row2[5] = row[5];
row2[6] = row[6];
row2[7] = row[7];
row2[8] = row[8];

amount+= Convert.ToSingle(row[8]);
bottles+= Convert.ToSingle(row[6]);

tmpAmount+= Convert.ToSingle(row[8]);
tmpBottles+= Convert.ToSingle(row[6]);

if(lastArea != null)
// Cumul
ReportRow amountRow = rtEx.NewRow();
amountRow[2] ="Sous total "+lastArea+ " ----->";
amountRow[3] = " ";
amountRow[5] = "Btles";
amountRow[6] = tmpBottles.ToString();
amountRow[7] = "Montant";
amountRow[8] = tmpAmount.ToString("f");

// Cumul total

ReportRow amountRowEx = rtEx.NewRow();
amountRowEx[2] = "Total général";
amountRowEx[3] = "";
amountRowEx[5] = "Btles";
amountRowEx[6] = bottles.ToString();
amountRowEx[7] = "Montant";
amountRowEx[8] = amount.ToString("f");

// Génération
System.Collections.ArrayList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

IReport report = App.ReportEngine.GetSystemReport(PredefinedReport.Grid);

string destFileName = App.Path + "Cache\\UserWinesGrid.pdf";
bool success = false;
report.Create(list, destFileName);
success = true;
catch(Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Erreur (1)");

// Affichage du report
IShellWindow shellWindow = (IShellWindow)App.GetWindow(WindowType.Shell, null);
if(shellWindow != null)

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