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Les nouveautés d'Open Cellar Touch 2.0
publié le
vendredi 12 mars 2010
16 commentaire(s)
En attendant le retours des traductions voici une vidéo montrant les nouveautés d'Open Cellar pour iPhone :
09/05/2010 15:53 - Anonyme
Merci à vous,
Cette version est au top!
19/09/2010 21:05 - Anonyme
J'ai changé d'ordinataire et je voudrais installer Open Cellar sur mon PC. Est-ce que l'application accepte windows7 ?
Merci pour votre réponse:
30/11/2015 18:25 - Anonyme
Une lumie8re pour e9clairer une vie qui commence. Idem sur la Croisette, noire de monde malgre9 un tre8s fort vent. Gros biouss et joli lundi.
30/11/2015 18:25 - Anonyme
Une lumie8re pour e9clairer une vie qui commence. Idem sur la Croisette, noire de monde malgre9 un tre8s fort vent. Gros biouss et joli lundi.
30/11/2015 18:25 - Anonyme
Une lumie8re pour e9clairer une vie qui commence. Idem sur la Croisette, noire de monde malgre9 un tre8s fort vent. Gros biouss et joli lundi.
03/12/2015 01:47 - Anonyme
With a 6 round tube feed under each barrel, and a low poeewrd blowback round like a .45acp mid-range semi-wadcutter, I could make it work. Using Overload's idea about a pom-pom gun, I could even use the mass of both bolt/semi-slides for a single round, and get a heavier bullet out the muzzle. Even if our hero missed, the badguys would most likely bust a gut laughing;-) My question is, who makes a holster for it? http://gmbdewsez.com [url=http://tvcpyya.com]tvcpyya[/url] [link=http://fnebjcbily.com]fnebjcbily[/link]
03/12/2015 01:47 - Anonyme
With a 6 round tube feed under each barrel, and a low poeewrd blowback round like a .45acp mid-range semi-wadcutter, I could make it work. Using Overload's idea about a pom-pom gun, I could even use the mass of both bolt/semi-slides for a single round, and get a heavier bullet out the muzzle. Even if our hero missed, the badguys would most likely bust a gut laughing;-) My question is, who makes a holster for it? http://gmbdewsez.com [url=http://tvcpyya.com]tvcpyya[/url] [link=http://fnebjcbily.com]fnebjcbily[/link]
04/12/2015 21:21 - Anonyme
1. Very top left wine cork in the middle is red, not yelolw.2. Wine bottle missing from third middle slot on left side of the sink.3. Knife is missing from cutting board.4. There are 2 knobs on the cabinet to the right of the sink.5. Missing knob on the right cabinet below the sink.6. Third bottle of liquor missing from the far end of the counter.7. The floor is red in the lower picture.8. Box in the lowest spot on the furthest end is brighter in the lower picture (lighting?).9.10. That's all I can find I'm hoping no one finds them all http://ythdbfxuk.com [url=http://vvcdkyexlqz.com]vvcdkyexlqz[/url] [link=http://ogxbhtivho.com]ogxbhtivho[/link]
04/12/2015 21:21 - Anonyme
1. Very top left wine cork in the middle is red, not yelolw.2. Wine bottle missing from third middle slot on left side of the sink.3. Knife is missing from cutting board.4. There are 2 knobs on the cabinet to the right of the sink.5. Missing knob on the right cabinet below the sink.6. Third bottle of liquor missing from the far end of the counter.7. The floor is red in the lower picture.8. Box in the lowest spot on the furthest end is brighter in the lower picture (lighting?).9.10. That's all I can find I'm hoping no one finds them all http://ythdbfxuk.com [url=http://vvcdkyexlqz.com]vvcdkyexlqz[/url] [link=http://ogxbhtivho.com]ogxbhtivho[/link]
04/12/2015 21:21 - Anonyme
1. Very top left wine cork in the middle is red, not yelolw.2. Wine bottle missing from third middle slot on left side of the sink.3. Knife is missing from cutting board.4. There are 2 knobs on the cabinet to the right of the sink.5. Missing knob on the right cabinet below the sink.6. Third bottle of liquor missing from the far end of the counter.7. The floor is red in the lower picture.8. Box in the lowest spot on the furthest end is brighter in the lower picture (lighting?).9.10. That's all I can find I'm hoping no one finds them all http://ythdbfxuk.com [url=http://vvcdkyexlqz.com]vvcdkyexlqz[/url] [link=http://ogxbhtivho.com]ogxbhtivho[/link]
16/01/2016 03:19 - Anonyme
Good point. I hadn't thguhot about it quite that way. :)
16/01/2016 03:19 - Anonyme
Good point. I hadn't thguhot about it quite that way. :)
16/01/2016 03:19 - Anonyme
Good point. I hadn't thguhot about it quite that way. :)
03/02/2016 07:04 - Anonyme
Never would have thunk I would find this so inelpsdnsabie. http://eoetyogfij.com [url=http://sdtswityoti.com]sdtswityoti[/url] [link=http://slzaubbrnm.com]slzaubbrnm[/link]
03/02/2016 07:04 - Anonyme
Never would have thunk I would find this so inelpsdnsabie. http://eoetyogfij.com [url=http://sdtswityoti.com]sdtswityoti[/url] [link=http://slzaubbrnm.com]slzaubbrnm[/link]
03/02/2016 07:04 - Anonyme
Never would have thunk I would find this so inelpsdnsabie. http://eoetyogfij.com [url=http://sdtswityoti.com]sdtswityoti[/url] [link=http://slzaubbrnm.com]slzaubbrnm[/link]
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