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21/10/2015 00:17 - Anonyme
Hmm, I've had a fair few issues with inetillcig myself. The first one I picked up just in a local newsagents battery would die after just one or two drags. The second one I got as a replacement took forever to produce vapour and heat up the cart. When it did finally kick into gear it was actually ok. Though a battery life of 8-12 hours is nothing like I experienced with it. I'd be lucky to get 2 hrs out it. The carts last longer then other ecigs though which is a positive. After 4 days however
21/10/2015 00:17 - Anonyme
Hmm, I've had a fair few issues with inetillcig myself. The first one I picked up just in a local newsagents battery would die after just one or two drags. The second one I got as a replacement took forever to produce vapour and heat up the cart. When it did finally kick into gear it was actually ok. Though a battery life of 8-12 hours is nothing like I experienced with it. I'd be lucky to get 2 hrs out it. The carts last longer then other ecigs though which is a positive. After 4 days however
21/10/2015 00:17 - Anonyme
Hmm, I've had a fair few issues with inetillcig myself. The first one I picked up just in a local newsagents battery would die after just one or two drags. The second one I got as a replacement took forever to produce vapour and heat up the cart. When it did finally kick into gear it was actually ok. Though a battery life of 8-12 hours is nothing like I experienced with it. I'd be lucky to get 2 hrs out it. The carts last longer then other ecigs though which is a positive. After 4 days however
23/10/2015 19:19 - Anonyme
Let's take a look at the facts:Electronic cigarette iniredtgnes usually three:* Propylene glycol (for? vapor),* Water (after vaporized),* Nicotine (in varying strengths, or omitted entirely)Regular tobacco cigarettes 599 additives approved by the US Government for use in the manufacture of cigarettes [url=]xdboypo[/url] [link=]qhrzfpanu[/link]
23/10/2015 19:19 - Anonyme
Let's take a look at the facts:Electronic cigarette iniredtgnes usually three:* Propylene glycol (for? vapor),* Water (after vaporized),* Nicotine (in varying strengths, or omitted entirely)Regular tobacco cigarettes 599 additives approved by the US Government for use in the manufacture of cigarettes [url=]xdboypo[/url] [link=]qhrzfpanu[/link]
23/10/2015 19:19 - Anonyme
Let's take a look at the facts:Electronic cigarette iniredtgnes usually three:* Propylene glycol (for? vapor),* Water (after vaporized),* Nicotine (in varying strengths, or omitted entirely)Regular tobacco cigarettes 599 additives approved by the US Government for use in the manufacture of cigarettes [url=]xdboypo[/url] [link=]qhrzfpanu[/link]
26/10/2015 20:44 - Anonyme
Hi Alex,You are right, tobacco kills. This has been prvoen, time and again. The information we have on the dangers of smoking tobacco, is overwhelming, and there is still an enormous amount that we don't know about the thousands of chemicals and toxins in tobacco and cigarette smoke. Plus there is first hand, second hand, and now even third hand smoke toxins that we have to worry about.Yes, you would think that EVERYONE would be promoting the switch to electronic cigarettes (thankfully many doctors have started to). Some people seem to believe that smokers deserve what they get, which is immensely ignorant by itself. However, that sentiment not only condemns the smokers, but non-smokers, as well, who may be exposed to second hand smoke directly, or from the left over residual smoke that remains long after the smoker has gone. Yes, electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. It would be better for everyone to keep that in mind. [url=]tscrcoyaamw[/url] [link=]hzawxceou[/link]
26/10/2015 20:44 - Anonyme
Hi Alex,You are right, tobacco kills. This has been prvoen, time and again. The information we have on the dangers of smoking tobacco, is overwhelming, and there is still an enormous amount that we don't know about the thousands of chemicals and toxins in tobacco and cigarette smoke. Plus there is first hand, second hand, and now even third hand smoke toxins that we have to worry about.Yes, you would think that EVERYONE would be promoting the switch to electronic cigarettes (thankfully many doctors have started to). Some people seem to believe that smokers deserve what they get, which is immensely ignorant by itself. However, that sentiment not only condemns the smokers, but non-smokers, as well, who may be exposed to second hand smoke directly, or from the left over residual smoke that remains long after the smoker has gone. Yes, electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. It would be better for everyone to keep that in mind. [url=]tscrcoyaamw[/url] [link=]hzawxceou[/link]
26/10/2015 20:44 - Anonyme
Hi Alex,You are right, tobacco kills. This has been prvoen, time and again. The information we have on the dangers of smoking tobacco, is overwhelming, and there is still an enormous amount that we don't know about the thousands of chemicals and toxins in tobacco and cigarette smoke. Plus there is first hand, second hand, and now even third hand smoke toxins that we have to worry about.Yes, you would think that EVERYONE would be promoting the switch to electronic cigarettes (thankfully many doctors have started to). Some people seem to believe that smokers deserve what they get, which is immensely ignorant by itself. However, that sentiment not only condemns the smokers, but non-smokers, as well, who may be exposed to second hand smoke directly, or from the left over residual smoke that remains long after the smoker has gone. Yes, electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. It would be better for everyone to keep that in mind. [url=]tscrcoyaamw[/url] [link=]hzawxceou[/link]
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Matthieu DUCROCQ
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